Hulu: 'My Stuff' Feature


During these challenging times, social media is highly depended on for communication and streaming services for entertainment. Hulu already allows users to save shows and movies into the "My Stuff" feature, however, that's just it. I wanted to further enhance this feature, allowing users to create playlists with the content save as well as share them with others.

Role: UX Designer, Researcher, UI Designer

Timeline: 6 weeks

Methods: Surveys, Test current application, Competitive Analysis, Wireframe, Prototype Test

Tools: Figma, Whimsical, Notion, Mockup



For this project, I sought users familiar with multiple streaming services, specifically those using 2-3 platforms. This criterion allowed me to have them test Hulu's competitors. By doing so, I aimed to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each service and to glean insights into user behavior and emotions, especially when saving or favoriting videos.

Usability tests

In my research, I examined Hulu's main competitors: Netflix, Disney+, and YouTube. Participants carried out identical tasks on each platform, allowing me to gather insights on preferences, observations, and overall feedback. This data was crucial for constructing the task flow for a personalized feature, with the ultimate goal of crafting a user journey map.

Top key findings:

Tasks: Use the search feature, save the searched movie/show, and lastly undo the save



Disney +



Task Flow

My subsequent focus was on the website's information architecture. Aiming for an intuitive and easily navigable IA, I structured the user flow based on findings from the earlier usability tests.

View the full task flow


In the final phase of ideation, I started drafting sketches. In the existing app, user interaction largely halts at the "My Stuff" section, which simply displays saved content under rudimentary filters. This screen needed a complete overhaul. Additionally, I briefly explored Android components while conceptualizing this revamped user interaction.



Given that Hulu already possesses a UI and design system, I swiftly assembled the initial version of high-fidelity wireframes. Displayed below are four screens integral to the new feature: two screens for playlist creation, the playlist display in "My Stuff", and the process of adding a movie to a playlist.


Usability Test


  • Number of Participants: 5
  • Age Demographic: 21-65


  1. Create a new playlist and title it Binge.
  2. Search up the movie Shrill and add it to the playlist, Binge.
  3. While on this page, why not add the comedy series, Dollface to a new, shareable playlist called, Family Friday.
  4. Go back to My Stuff and share your new playlist with your sister, Ella.
  5. Rename the playlist Binge to Marathon.


100 % of the participants understood the overall concept of this added feature
80 % of the participants enjoyed the concept and overall experience of the added feature
20 % Of the participants experienced difficulty


After the test, one significant concern was ensuring that a crucial action was more conspicuous. This pertained to the drawer pop-up during playlist creation or adding to a playlist from the search results page. To direct the user's attention solely to the pop-up, I chose to blur the background.


After iterating the final product, I asked two of the previous participants to test the exact same tasks. Results from the final test were positive and the participants felt as though the pain points from the initial test were resolved.



In general, the introduction of this new feature proved successful as per usability tests. Given the positive feedback, participants expressed eagerness to see this feature actualized. While it was anticipated that not every participant would find the feature essential, its core purpose was to enable personalization and foster connections between users.

Future Considerations

Majority of the participants loved the concept of this feature and would consider to use it. Based on the results from the test, here are what I would consider to do in the future:

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